Lagunitas New Dogtown Pale Ale

12oz (6 Bottles)

    h i
    Heineken N.V.
    6.2% Alcohol
    Petaluma, California
    Product Description

    There's an old saying; 'The more things change, the more they change'. This is NOT the same tasty Pale Ale we brewed at the beginning. It has accomplished what we all eventually want for ourselves; It has been made new again. We never let this sexy old girl go unbrewed... We dug its hops and its soft malt thing, but as we at the Brewery have changed we, well, we grew apart. So we decided to get her a chin lift. The results were good, we got a tummy tuck and a brow flip to go with it and there was a little flab that we lipo-sucked out. The results were so good that we went all the way and performed a scalp-scrape, a through-the-arm-pit implant thingy, a toe flop, a cuticle float, a radical corto-conical inter-abdominal spine snip and hip and knuckle replacement to boot. Now the beer is almost unrecognizable even to its former self and while the final version is brighter and more sexy in every way, the same old girl is still underneath it all in the soul of the flavor as it spreads itself across your palate and enters your blood on its way to your brain to make your mind do tricks...